Tutorial I of KMO/LTEC 2023 (9:00-12:00, July 24, 2023)
Successful practices on distant knowledge assessment: Approaches, Tools, and Future Trends
Luka Pavlič, Tina Beranič, Marjan Heričko
University of Maribor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Sloveina
Higher education in traditional universities relies on face-to-face lecturing, experimenting, teaching and, eventually, defending the results during written or oral exams, and sometimes also moderated presentations. The COVID-19 pandemic moved several activities online overnight, among them teaching, studying, and knowledge assessment. This led to anxiety and doubts among teachers and students, while revealing a lack of confidence, experience, and general guidelines. Changing our teaching in these directions were something what we wanted to refuse. While the academic community favoured primarily proctoring-based approaches (audio and video surveillance, desktop sharing etc.) during examinations, we believed that knowledge assessments could also be organized well by appropriately designed, validated, implemented, and communicated assessment sessions. Quite a few knowledge assessments were implemented online during that period. They provided an extensive collection of recurring practices. Within the research we collected and categorized them into an assessment pattern catalogue for distant education. We also validated and rated the catalogue using empirical research with a help of practitioners. During the proposed tutorial, we will present the Assessment pattern catalogue in detail. A methodology on how to use it, will also be presented and demonstrated. The participants will have opportunity to influence on the catalogue content and will practically try its usage. The hands-on session will be used to show the benefits and possible drawbacks of the current patterns in catalogue. Since our lives are getting back to normal and the learning process is moving back to the classroom, the tutorial will demonstrate that most patterns within the catalogue, although originated from distant education, could also be applied in a classroom knowledge assessment. |
Tutorial II of KMO/LTEC 2023 (13:30-16:30, July 24, 2023)
Ultimate knowledge management and transfer with OKMindmap: Achieving communicative, collaborative, creative, and critical knowledge processing and managing
Won Ho, Professor of Kongju National University, Korea
Creation, management, and maintenance of knowledge have become critical issues. Information can be represented in relation to other information. The well-defined relationship is a core property of knowledge representation. So, the mindmap can be a valuable tool for knowledge representation. With the advent of the 4th industrial revolution, the 4Cs (collaboration, communication, critical thinking, and creativity) became core competencies for learning and the workplace. The easily accessible tool is necessary for collaborative creation, converting, transferring, and recording knowledge. OKMindmap is the right tool for that purpose, which empowers the conventional mindmap with trendy technological capabilities. People can easily collaborate to produce a mindmap on a web browser with text, links, images, video, and iframe. Those maps can be converted to different knowledge representation entities. One of them is PPT. People can do web-presentation in PPT-like or Prezi-like form. It is also integrated with Moodle and Node-Red. Moodle is a powerful LMS. Moodle activities can be imported as a node of a map. Node-RED enables a node in the map with a remote switch for IoT power or sensor-valued reading. Anyone learning, teaching, researching, and doing business can use this powerful tool. |